World Small Animal Veterinary Association
The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) is an association of associations. Its membership is made up of veterinary organisations from all over the world.
WSAVA aim to advance the health and welfare of companion animals worldwide through an educated, committed and collaborative global community of veterinary peers.
The WSAVA website was brought to EHD to breathe new life into the site. For a long time as with many large organisations, elements of the site were updated gradually both in form a function.
This slow process of incremental updates is something I see a lot of in larger websites that are maintained by many people. The outcome being a mismatch of new and old elements on one site that can become a confusing and cluttered user experience.
Our task in this project was to propose and design a consistent, modern experience for users (both public and association members) incorporating some updated branding and a members area situated behind a login.